Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Y R U SO dumb!!!

If he were a math problem it would be 0+0=0 because no one in the relationship would be happy. In a relationship you think to yourself, "Why do people cheat?" That's a question that I've always wanted to know the answer to. If you have someone who cares to you, loves you and adores you, why would you mess it up and hurt that person's feelings? It's not right at all. In elementary school they taught you to treat others the way you want to be treated. Some people say they cheat because they don't get enough attention or they’re just not happy, period.

If your partner doesn't pay you any mind, then sit down and have a talk about it. Have a discussion about what you don’t like and if it still doesn't work, LEAVE, DON'T CHEAT! Most boys cheat to be cool, and they add up their bodies so they can brag to their friends. Cheating leads to stress, sadness, and sometimes overweight. Some people feel depressed and can't move on with their lives because it's a scar to the heart. They can't find anyone new for the simple fact that they gave their partner all the love that they had.

people say: "Don't 'Baby' me! Why didn't you answer me when I called you last night? What happened? Cat got your tongue? That's funny because I called him and he was sleeping. Why would you lie? Let me see your phone. Just give it to me and BOOOMMM!! and there's a name of her ex in his inbox,received calls and dialed numbers.Why you still communicating with this girl??...Of all people why her?.

Some facts are: Most boys cheat. Cheating leads to stress. Some girls cheat. The best thing to do is leave. Everybody isn't perfect. Some lies are: I love you. You're my world. I want to be with you. Without you, I'm nothing. Some assumptions are: You won't find another like me. I'm the best you ever had. I can't get enough of your love.

It's a proven fact that the reason why some people cheat is so they can get certain things from another partner that there past partner didn't provide for them. It's hard to be with someone who doesn't have the qualities that you need. Therefore you cheat and hurt the person. All the passion has faded and partners start to feel lonely.
Cheating is like a cycle. You get a partner and someone as your side fling. Then when your partner finds out you're cheating, they ended up leaving (if they're smart enough). Sometimes your side fling becomes your main, and you make someone else your side thing.
It's not hard to be faithful and truthful to a person if you love them. If a person can't be faithful then, be single and just mingle. That way no one gets hurt :). Cheating turns you into a monster, Once you cheat, you lie and deceive.

I'm Sorry!!

I'm really sorry if I need to do bad things to you... Actually I really don't have a choice I like u that much and It will be hard for me to live without you in my life...I'm not perfect,I'm just human....

so please forgive me...I really don't want to lose you...:(