Monday, February 6, 2012

Your breaking my HEART!!!

I really want to start a new life with you, it seems you didn't want to give me a chance to prove to you how much I like you...Damn!!! it really hurt me so much every time you acting like this to me!.. I wish you can love me again, like last time.. I really miss that guy...:(..what can I do to make it right again??....

I'm really really sorry U.. I know its my fault why you become like this... I hope you'll come back to me...:(

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Bring him back to me, Dear Lord 
I close my eyes and pray 
Comfort him and shield him 
Until that wonderful day 
Somehow let him know 
That through the many miles, that keeps us far apart 
No matter to the distance 
He shall always and forever have my thankful... loving heart 
Somehow let him know… that I miss him, so 
And that I often think of him 
In all the love that we have known 
For I often dream of his joyful laughter 
The scent of his cologne 
Reminiscing of his wonderful smile 
In all the precious moments we have known 
Then lay upon his nightly pillow 
Sweetest dreams of our eternal love 
Sent not just from me, Dear Lord 
But from You, up above 
In every heartbeat that he feels 
In every breath that he shall take 
From the moment he closes his eyes to sleep 
Till morning when he awakes 
I hope this love will comfort him 
As he goes out in the field 
Giving him strength to carry on 
Until our hands should, once again 
Feel each other’s warm and comforting embrace 
In one of the greatest blessing 
I think my eyes shall ever see 
Will be in that very first second 
I see my love smile back at me