Monday, January 18, 2010


Camp Rock

        Michelle Jersen      Mr & Mrs. Jersen    heaven
        Shane                      Cath                        Jillian
        Friend                      Kevin                      Teacher
             Special participation of Bryan Mosqueda

Michelle:        Good morning, Ma
Mrs Jersen:     Good morning, Mich
Mich:              I’m so excited, Ma
Mrs Jersen:     For what???
Mich:              for this coming CAMP ROCK!!!
Mrs Jersen:     Ahmm, Mich, Is it okay to you that you will not join the Camp Rock???
Mich:              But why???
Mrs Jersen:     We have lots of work to do in the restaurant
Mich:              But???
Mrs Jersen:     Next time, promise
Mich:              okey!!!


Friend:            Mich!
Mich:              Hi!
Friend:            I will join the Camp Rock this coming vacation, you?
Mich:              ha? No
Friend:            Why???
Mich:              I will spend my summer vacation with my family
Friend:            Oh I see!!! I need to go!!! Bye...
Mich:              bye!!!


Father:             I have good news, Mich
Mich:              What?
Father:             You will join the Camp Rock
Mich:              Really? , But what about the restaurant?
Father:             don’t worry; you can help us because we are the one who will cater to Camp Rock...
Mich:              Ahh!!! thank you, pa. (Hug)

                        Camp Rock,

Mich:              all of this people are rich. Wow!
Mich:              Hello!
Cath:               are you alone???
Mich:              yah
Cath:               I’m Cath
Mich:              Mich! Nice to meet you
Cath:               me too.

                        First night,
& Jillian:         (What I’ve been Looking for)
Mich:              Wow!

                        After the Presentation,
Heaven:           What can you say?
Mich: you’re good.
Heaven: you?

                        Next day, canteen
Mich:              Good morning, Ma
Mrs Jersen:     Good morning, How’s your day yesterday?
Mich:              Amazing.

                        Parking Lot,
Shane:             Why you didn’t say that we are the special guests of this activity?
Kevin:             Because I know you will disagree
Shane:             yes... I want to spend my vacation with my friends
Kevin:             Shane, remember that because of this, you are what you are now...
Shane:             okey! FINE

Next night,

& Bryan:         (Over you) (the girls are shouting)
Mich:              that is Shane

                        After they sing,

Mich:              Hi!!!
Heaven:           yes???
Mich:              hi, I’m Mich.
Jillian:             Mich??
Mich:              Michelle Jersen
Jillian:             Jersen? You are the daughter of Ricky Jersen,
                        The international interior designer?
Mich:              No!
Heaven:           and what is the work of your father?
MIch:              owner of a restaurant
Heaven:           what? Let’s go, Jill.
Mich:              But... my mother!
Heaven:           What?
Mich:              My mother is the president of a TV Network in                    China. Yah!
Heaven:           Really?
Jillian:             Wow!
Heaven:           are you thinking what I’m thinking jill?
Jillian:             yes! What are we thinking?
Heaven:           Jil! Mich, we can be friends
Mich:              Really that’s great!
Heaven:           by the way they call me “hell” they call me “stacey” they call me “her” they call me “Jane” that’s not my name that’s not my name that’s not my name that’s not my name
Jillian:             (sing) they call me “quiet girl” but I’m a riot Mary, Jo, Lisa always the same that’s not my name that’s not my name that’s not my name that’s’ not my name that’s not my name
& Jill:              (sing chorus of that’s not my name)      
Heaven:           My name is Heaven
Jillian:             and I’m Jillian
Mich:              nice to meet you
& jill:              same to you
Heaven:           Oh we need to go
Jillian:             see yah
Heaven:           we are friends now...bye!
Mich:              Bye!
Cath:               Mich!
Mich:              hey Cath!
Cath:               I saw you with Heaven and Jillian
Mich:              yah, we are friends now
Cath:               I say to you, no!
Mich:              ha?
Cath:               they are not good friends
Mich:              Why do you say so?
Cath:               because I know them
Mich:              how?
Cath:               We are friends before...but I didn’t like their attitudes so I left them
Mich:              Really?
Cath:               they are not true friends, Mich

                        Next night,

Cath:               (My happy ending)
Mich:              she is good
                        (all the people likes the song of cath)

Jillian:             Look! He likes too! (Shane)
Heaven:           (shout) Oh my Gosh! Snake! There’s a snake!

(Disturb all...cath stops singing)

Teacher:          Heaven, this is only a wire of sound system
Heaven:           Epps, sorry, I thought that there’s a snake
Shane:             (go out)
Cath:               Heaven!
Heaven:           yes!
Cath:               you disturb my presentation...How dare you?
Heaven:           you know Cath, (then the action the sign language of W E M U L)
Cath:               What’s that?
Jillian:             she said (w/ action) W – what E – ever M - Makes U – you L – loser!
Heaven:           hahahahaha!!!LOSER (then walk away)
Jillian:             Bye! LOSER
Cath:               see is that a nice person?
Mich:              I don’t think so

                        Next day, canteen, kitchen
Mich:              Hi ma
Mrs Jersen:     Hi Mich
Mich:              busy?
Mrs:                 yah!
Mich:              where’s papa?
Mrs:                 he went to his friend.
Mich:              ohm! I see
Shane:             good morning, Mrs
Mich:              Oh my God! That is Shane! (Then Hide)
Shane:             Where’s my breakfast?
Mrs Jersen:     wait for a while, sir! Michelle!
Mich:              Shock! (while wearing shades and then make a pony tail in her hair)
Mrs. Jersen:    give this to Mr. Shane
Mich:              yes ma
Shane:             Wait! You look familiar
Mich:              me?
Shane:             never mind. (Then he gets the food and walk away)
MIch:              whoosh!


Mich:              (singing the chorus of this is me)
Shane:             who is that? (the he try to find the voice) I need to find her!


Shane:             (while playing guitar) you’re the...
Mich:              wait, that song is familiar... (Then she go near to Shane) hi!
Shane:             Hello!
Mich:              what a nice song!
Shane:             Thanks
Mich:              you’re composed?
Shane:             yah but it is not finish...
Mich:              can you sing that for me?
Shane:             sure... (Start from the chorus then bridge)
Mich;              WOW!
Shane:             By the way, I’m Shane
Mich:              I know you already
Mich:              Mich!
Shane:             so you’re the daughter of the president of a TV network in china? Right...
Mich:              ha? oh yah!

                        Then they become friends... one time, Heaven and Jillian so them together,

Jill:                  is that mich?
Heaven:           with Shane?
Jill:                  oh my god!

                        Jill and Heaven is still following mich, canteen

Mich:              hi! PA, MA (hug)
Mr. Jersen:      How’s your day?
Jill:                  oh my Gosh!
Heaven:           are they her parents?
Jillian:             Maybe... she call them ma & pa

Heaven:           She is a lier!

                        At that night,

Heaven:           Come on! I have something to tell you!
Jillian:             come here!
Heaven:           faster
Mich:              About what?
Cath:               I don’t know
Heaven:           this morning, me and Jill discovered something
Jill:                  I know you all will be shocked!
Heaven:           it’s all about that liar girl! (Then point to mich)
Mich:              me?
Heaven:           you said, your mother is the president of a tv network in china, right?
Shane:             what’s going on?
Mrs Jersen:     What happen?
Jillian:             Liar!
Heaven:           but your mother is a cook only.
                        (all are shocked)
Mrs. Jersen:    Mich!
Heaven:           Oh! Here’s your mother mich!
Mrs. Jersen:    what’s going on?
MIch:              Ma!
Jill:                  Liar!
Heaven:           Loser! (Then walk away)
Boy 1:             I thought she is rich!
Boy2:              me too!
Mich:              (shock) Shane?
Shane:             you are liar! (Then walk away)
Mich:              I’m sorry, Shane!
Mrs. Jersen:    What Happen?
Mich:              I’m sorry, ma I said to them that you are a president of a TV network in china.
Mrs. Jersen:    What?
Mich:              I’m sorry, ma
Mrs. Jersen:    you lie???
Mich:              I didn’t mean it
Mrs Jersen:     Never do that again
Mich:              yes, ma promise
Mrs. Jersen:    see what is the result of what you have done? Next time say the truth! (Then walk away)
Mich:              yes ma


Shane:             (I got to go my own way)
Mich:              (I got to go my own way)

                        Final jam

Cath:               Good luck, Mich
Mich:              I feel nervous
Mr. Jersen:      Mich!
Mich:              Pa!
Mr. Jersen:      good luck
Mrs. Jersen:    you can do it.
Mich:              thanks ma, pa!

Mich:              good lock to me (this is me)  
Heaven:           I like her voice
Jill:                  I like her voice
Heaven:           Jill!
Jill:                  sorry!
Cath:               you can do it mich!
Shane:             that’s the song!
Bryan:             so she’s the girl...


Shane:             (bridge)
Mich:              (shocked)
Shane&Mich: (Duet)

                        After singing, standing ovation, in park

Mich:              Sorry Shane.  I Didn’t mean it i thought that we cannot be friends if you will know that I’m not rich
Shane:             Mich, I don’t care about wealth and power but a pleasant and peaceful life with family and friends
Mich:              you are right!

                        Announcing the winners,

Teacher:          and the winner for this camp rock is no other than Shane and Michelle Jersen! (applause)

Heaven:           what???
Jill:                  no!
Heaven:           okey fine!
Cath:               you win mich!
Mich:              me???
Cath:               congratulations!
Shane:             Mich! (Going up together to the stage)
Teacher:          around of applause please
Heaven:           to be honest i like her voice too...
Jill:                  me too...
Cath:               so what can you say???
Heaven:           she is worth it
Cath:               ha???
Heaven:           sorry!
Cath:               what do you mean?
Jillian:             we can be friends again?
Heaven:           please?
Cath:               sure!
Mich:              Cath!
Heaven & Jill:        congratulations mich!
Mich:              Ha???
Heaven:           sorry for what happen before
Jillian:             sorry!
Mich:              no its all my fault...
Heaven:           friends???
Mich:              ofcourse!
Shane:             mich!

And they all sing “WE ROCK”...