Monday, November 2, 2009

><,^^) DIVORCE (^^,><


            today in my generation their are many people in the society that having a divorce becausse of the early marriage. And for me their are many parents doing a divorce not knowing that they are hurting their  and they are only thinking for themselves and they are not thinking what will happen to their children in the future.
            Like me, when i was still in 1st year highschool I am a rebeled daughter of my mom and also to my society/environment because of my lecturers that time that always misunderstood me and judge me in many ways. That so hard to forget and in this time my life started being miserable, and that is the time that I do all the things that I didn't expect that i can do, that such things when i was small. And in that time also i realize that im so unlucky and i started already to become jealous to other children that have a complete family. And that is also one of my reason why i become a rebeled child when i was in 1st year highschool...